수상자 우수논문 발표회 5월 13일(목) / 09:00 – 10:30
주관학회 | 한국해양과학기술협의회

좌장 : 박광필 교수 (충남대학교)
온라인 회의실 바로가기
회의실 패스워드 : k2021
Identification of potential toxicants in sediments from an industrialized area in Pohang, South Korea: Application of a cell viability assay of microalgae using flow cytometry

Multiphase-thermal simulation on BOG/BOR estimation due to phase change in cryogenic liquid storage tanks

Effects of a propulsor on the maneuverability of an autonomous underwater vehicle in vertical planar motion mechanism tests

Identification of collision risk factors perceived by ship operators in a vessel encounter situation

김도훈(목포해양대학교 대학원)

Wake dynamics of a 3D curved cylinder in oblique flows


드론과 HD카메라를 이용한 수심측량시 잘피에 의한 오차제거 알고리즘 개발
